Green Onion outside vs inside

The above photo of the green onions I planted outdoors a few days after I planted the one indoors (maybe a week or less afterwards? ) I accidentally broke one of the of the onions 2 days ago and it already looks like it’s growing back. I’m going to see what happens to the piece that is hanging on. I should taste it for onion flavor but I’m more interested in what the plant is going to do as it grows.

I looked back at my blog post and it seems like I planted the first green onion in the double cup on April 3, 2018 so it’s been about 23 days of growth for it And as you can see in the image below I’m growing it in a window sill and you can see the difference in color between the outdoor onions, the indoor onion originally was lagging behind in height to the outdoor ones but recently had a growth spurt and has caught up! With the indoor onions roots now growing through the bottom of the cup, watching it’s progress and water intake should be be interesting.

With these two and the onion I’m growing in mostly darkness, it has been interesting to see how important light has had on growth and color of the the onions.

Green Onion Stuff

green onion in the Dark Green Onion roots

The top photo is of the green onion I am growing in a baggy in a closet in the dark. The root end of the onion is wrapped in a moist paper towel and it’s grown a lot in a few days but has lost all of its green color. I’m going to have to put it in a bigger baggy soon I also wonder what will happen if I introduce it to light once it gets bigger?

The bottom picture is the Green Onion I keep in a window sill, it’s getting indirect light but because it is getting some light it has some green in it, the photo it’s self is of the green onion roots stretching out of the cup to get to the water source. I haven’t watered from the top since it started growing again I just put water/food in the base cup and the roots drink from that.

I thought maybe I would need to transplant the onion, but I think I just need to raise the level of blue cup up or get a bigger cup to sit the blue cup in. This has definitely been interesting seeing how the plant is adapting to its environments!